FBI Channeling

Our  FBI Channeling Services

FBI Channeling Services in Pasadena | Pasadena Live Scan Service

Get your FBI Channeling Service Today!

Ready for your FBI Channeling Service in Pasadena? Or do you have questions about our services or your specific Live Scan requirements? Reach out to our experienced team for personalized assistance and expert guidance every step of the way.

FBI Channeling: An Overview

What is FBI Channeling?

FBI Channeling is a streamlined process for electronically submitting fingerprint data to the FBI for criminal background checks. This includes but not limited to employment, licensing, visa/immigration, and personal record requests. The process allows approved agencies, known as channelers, to send fingerprints and other personal data directly to the FBI. This electronic submission method is much faster than traditional postal mail, offering turnaround times from a few minutes to up to five business days.

Who is FBI Channeling For?

FBI Channeling is available to various groups and individuals who need expedited access to criminal history records from the FBI. This service is applicable for:

  • Applicants for Visa & Immigration: Individuals requiring background checks to comply with visa applications or immigration procedures.
  • Personal Record Reviews: People seeking to obtain or review their own FBI criminal history records for personal reasons.
  • Out-of Country reasons:
  • Out-of-State Licensing and Certifications: Agencies and individuals needing criminal history for professional licensing, such as in legal, medical, and real estate fields.
  • Adoption Agencies: Entities that require background checks as part of the adoption process.
  • Government Contractors: Contractors and subcontractors who need to meet federal employment standards for security clearances.
  • Attorneys and Legal Representatives: Legal professionals requesting criminal records on behalf of their clients for cases or other legal reasons.

How Does FBI Channeling Work?

The FBI Channeling process involves several detailed steps, designed to ensure accuracy, legality, and security of the information processed. Here is a step-by-step guide on how the process typically works:

Step 1: Collecting Fingerprints
  • Fingerprinting Session: Come to Pasadena Live Scan Service where we use advanced live scan devices to take your fingerprints digitally. These devices capture high-quality fingerprints which are then ready for electronic transmission directly to the FBI.
Step 2: Submission Through an FBI-Approved Channeler
  • Choosing a Channeler: At Pasadena Live Scan, we are an FBI-approved channeler. 
  • Data Submission: We submit your fingerprints along with your personal information (name, date of birth, etc.) directly to the FBI.
Step 3: FBI Processing
  • Database Check: The FBI reviews the submitted fingerprints against its vast database of criminal and civil entries from all 50 states.
  • Record Retrieval: If the fingerprints are matched to any records in the FBI’s database, a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) is generated.
Step 4: Results Dissemination
  • Receiving Results: The FBI sends the results usually within a few minutes to 5 days.
  • Result Handling: You can choose to receive the results directly, you will have to go through a verifying process or you can have Pasadena Live Scan take care of that process for you.

Benefits of FBI Channeling

  • Speed: Channeling significantly reduces the processing time for background checks.
  • Convenience: Electronic submissions eliminate the need for mailing physical fingerprint cards.
  • Accuracy: Digital fingerprints reduce the chance of errors associated with poor fingerprint quality Availability: Only FBI-approved channelers can submit requests. Not all entities can become channelers, and individuals must go through these channelers rather than directly to the FBI.

Cost Structure

Understanding the costs associated with Live Scan fingerprinting is essential. We strive to make our pricing clear and straightforward:

  • Rolling Fee: Our service includes a rolling fee of $80 for capturing and processing your fingerprints. This fee is for our services and does not cover additional governmental fees.

FBI Channeling

About Expedited FBI Fingerprints

Pasadena Live Scan Service LLC specializes in FBI Channeling services, offering digital fingerprinting with direct printing onto FD-258 fingerprint cards. Our streamlined process ensures each fingerprint submission is accurate and fully compliant with FBI standards. Designed for those requiring FBI background checks for employment, licensing, or personal records, our service guarantees a fast, reliable, and efficient experience.

FBI Channeling


Service Fee $80